February 13, 2023

. 1 min read

React Developer Tools: Debug and optimize React apps

This tutorial will introduce you to the React developer tools and get started with analyzing a React application for performance optimization.

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To debug and inspect component hierarchies, we use the React Developer Tools (also called React DevTools).

This tool lets us keep track of the component’s state, props, hooks, etc., and analyze a React application for performance optimization.

To use this tool in our application, we'll install it as a browser add-on:

Install React Developer Tools

Head over to the extension page for your browser of choice and install it:

After installation, that is all. It does not require any other setup.

Note: This lesson uses Chrome React DevTools for demos and screenshots

Detecting a React Application

With the React DevTools installed, we’ll know at a glance if a webpage is rendering a React web application. For React apps in production, a blue React icon will appear at the upper right corner of the browser:


If you cannot find the icon, click on the Extensions icon, label 1, and click on the pin icon by the React Developer Tools.

For React apps in development, the icon will appear in red:


Otherwise, the webpage does not render a React web application, and the icon will appear grey.

React Profiler and Components Tabs

These two tabs will appear after we install the DevTools while React project is running. See label one(1) below:


The Components Tab

On the Components tab, we can view the app’s components hierarchy, as seen in label 2, and the props and state of the application, as seen in label 3. If we interact with our application and update the state, we will see the changes in real time in this tab.

Try exploring the tools by navigating through different tree components and viewing the state and props data.

The React Profiler Tab

On this tab, we can measure the performance of a React application. The Profiler allows us to record the time it takes a component to render. It also lets us see why it renders so we know where bottlenecks are within an application.

Understanding how to measure an application’s performance using the Profiler is vital to implement necessary optimization. We’ll later explore this tool in this series.

You can also learn more in this article: How to optimize React app’s performance.

This is a quick lesson! Up next, we will discuss how to style a React application.

Next part: CSS in React: Styling React Component


